* Handle ConditionalStyle NumberFormat When Reading Xlsx File ReadStyle in Reader/Xlsx/Styles.php expects numberFormat to be a string. However, when reading conditional style in Xlsx file, NumberFormat is actually a SimpleXMLElement, so is not handled correctly. While testing this change, it turned out that reader always expects that there is a "SharedString" portion of the XML, which is not true for spreadsheets with no string data, which causes a run-time message. Likewise, when conditional number format is not one of the built-in formats, a run-time message is issued because 'isset' is used to determine existence rather than 'array_key_exists'. The new workbook added to the testing data demonstrates both those problems (prior to the code changes). * Move Comment to Resolve Conflict Github reports conflict involving placement of one comment statement. * Respond to Scrutinizer Style Suggestion Change detection for empty SimpleXMLElement.
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namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Reader;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xlsx;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Conditional;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class CondNumFmtTest extends TestCase
public function testLoadCondNumFmt()
$filename = './data/Reader/XLSX/condfmtnum.xlsx';
$reader = new Xlsx();
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($filename);
$worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
// NumberFormat explicitly set in following conditional style
$conditionalStyle = $worksheet->getConditionalStyles('A1:A3');
$conditionalRule = $conditionalStyle[0];
$conditions = $conditionalRule->getConditions();
self::assertEquals(Conditional::CONDITION_EXPRESSION, $conditionalRule->getConditionType());
self::assertEquals('MONTH(A1)=10', $conditions[0]);
$numfmt = $conditionalRule->getStyle()->getNumberFormat()->getFormatCode();
self::assertEquals('yyyy/mm/dd', $numfmt);
// NumberFormat not set in following conditional style
$conditionalStyle = $worksheet->getConditionalStyles('B1');
$conditionalRule = $conditionalStyle[0];
$conditions = $conditionalRule->getConditions();
self::assertEquals(Conditional::CONDITION_EXPRESSION, $conditionalRule->getConditionType());
self::assertEquals('AND(B1>=2000,B1<3000)', $conditions[0]);
$numfmt = $conditionalRule->getStyle()->getNumberFormat()->getFormatCode();
self::assertEquals('', $numfmt);