oleibman 165034ad70
Restoring State After Static Changes in Tests ()
This request does not change any source code, only tests.

For a change on which I was working, a test passed when run on its own,
but failed when run as part of the full test suite. It turned out that
an existing test had changed a static value,
thousands separator in this case, and failed to restore it.
The test turned out to be AdvancedBinderTest.

The search for the offending test was more difficult than it should have
been because 26 test scripts which had nothing to do with thousands
separator nevertheless changed that value. They all changed
decimal separator, currency code, and compatibility mode as well,
again for no reason. I changed all of those to eliminate those operations.

I changed the following tests, which actually do change the static
properties identified above for a reason, to restore them as part of teardown.
- CalculationTest sets compatibilityMode and locale
- DayTest sets compatibilityMode, returnDateType, and excelCalendar
- CountTest sets compatibilityMode
- FunctionsTest sets compatibilityMode and returnDateType
- AdvancedValueBinderTest sets currencyCode, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator
- StringHelperTest sets currencyCode, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator
- NumberFormatTest sets currencyCode, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator
- HtmlNumberFormatTest sets currencyCode, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator
2020-07-15 13:23:00 +02:00

380 lines
14 KiB

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class CalculationTest extends TestCase
private $compatibilityMode;
private $locale;
protected function setUp(): void
$this->compatibilityMode = Functions::getCompatibilityMode();
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$this->locale = $calculation->getLocale();
protected function tearDown(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
* @dataProvider providerBinaryComparisonOperation
* @param mixed $formula
* @param mixed $expectedResultExcel
* @param mixed $expectedResultOpenOffice
public function testBinaryComparisonOperation($formula, $expectedResultExcel, $expectedResultOpenOffice): void
$resultExcel = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($formula);
self::assertEquals($expectedResultExcel, $resultExcel, 'should be Excel compatible');
$resultOpenOffice = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($formula);
self::assertEquals($expectedResultOpenOffice, $resultOpenOffice, 'should be OpenOffice compatible');
public function providerBinaryComparisonOperation()
return require 'tests/data/CalculationBinaryComparisonOperation.php';
* @dataProvider providerGetFunctions
* @param string $category
* @param array|string $functionCall
* @param string $argumentCount
public function testGetFunctions($category, $functionCall, $argumentCount): void
public function providerGetFunctions()
return Calculation::getInstance()->getFunctions();
public function testIsImplemented(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
* @dataProvider providerCanLoadAllSupportedLocales
* @param string $locale
public function testCanLoadAllSupportedLocales($locale): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
public function providerCanLoadAllSupportedLocales()
return [
public function testDoesHandleXlfnFunctions(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$tree = $calculation->parseFormula('=_xlfn.ISFORMULA(A1)');
self::assertCount(3, $tree);
$function = $tree[2];
self::assertEquals('Function', $function['type']);
$tree = $calculation->parseFormula('=_xlfn.STDEV.S(A1:B2)');
self::assertCount(5, $tree);
$function = $tree[4];
self::assertEquals('Function', $function['type']);
public function testFormulaWithOptionalArgumentsAndRequiredCellReferenceShouldPassNullForMissingArguments(): void
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
$cell = $sheet->getCell('E5');
$cell->setValue('=OFFSET(D3, -1, -2, 1, 1)');
self::assertEquals(5, $cell->getCalculatedValue(), 'with all arguments');
$cell = $sheet->getCell('F6');
$cell->setValue('=OFFSET(D3, -1, -2)');
self::assertEquals(5, $cell->getCalculatedValue(), 'missing arguments should be filled with null');
public function testCellSetAsQuotedText(): void
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$workSheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell = $workSheet->getCell('A1');
$cell->setValue("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0");
self::assertEquals("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0", $cell->getCalculatedValue());
public function testCellWithDdeExpresion(): void
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$workSheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell = $workSheet->getCell('A1');
$cell->setValue("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0");
self::assertEquals("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0", $cell->getCalculatedValue());
public function testCellWithFormulaTwoIndirect(): void
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$workSheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell1 = $workSheet->getCell('A1');
$cell2 = $workSheet->getCell('B1');
$cell2 = $workSheet->getCell('C1');
$cell3 = $workSheet->getCell('D1');
self::assertEquals('9', $cell3->getCalculatedValue());
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingSimpleCase(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
// Very simple formula
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",B1)';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey = false;
$foundConditionalOnB1 = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isBinaryOperator = $token['type'] == 'Binary Operator';
$isEqual = $token['value'] == '=';
$correctStoreKey = ($token['storeKey'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-0';
$correctOnlyIf = ($token['onlyIf'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-0';
$isB1Reference = ($token['reference'] ?? '') == 'B1';
$foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey = $foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey ||
($isBinaryOperator && $isEqual && $correctStoreKey);
$foundConditionalOnB1 = $foundConditionalOnB1 ||
($isB1Reference && $correctOnlyIf);
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingMultipleIfsCase(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
// Internal operation
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",SUM(B1:B3))+IF(A2="please *",PRODUCT(C1:C3), C1)';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$plusGotTagged = false;
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isBinaryOperator = $token['type'] == 'Binary Operator';
$isPlus = $token['value'] == '+';
$anyStoreKey = isset($token['storeKey']);
$anyOnlyIf = isset($token['onlyIf']);
$anyOnlyIfNot = isset($token['onlyIfNot']);
$plusGotTagged = $plusGotTagged ||
($isBinaryOperator && $isPlus &&
($anyStoreKey || $anyOnlyIfNot || $anyOnlyIf));
$isFunction = $token['type'] == 'Function';
$isProductFunction = $token['value'] == 'PRODUCT(';
$correctOnlyIf = ($token['onlyIf'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-1';
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $productFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isFunction && $isProductFunction && $correctOnlyIf);
self::assertFalse($plusGotTagged, 'chaining IF( should not affect the external operators');
self::assertTrue($productFunctionCorrectlyTagged, 'function nested inside if should be tagged to be processed only if parent branching requires it');
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParingNestedIfCase(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",SUM(B1:B3),1+IF(NOT(A2="please *"),C2-C1,PRODUCT(C1:C3)))';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$plusCorrectlyTagged = false;
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
$notFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
$findOneOperandCountTagged = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$value = $token['value'];
$isPlus = $value == '+';
$isProductFunction = $value == 'PRODUCT(';
$isNotFunction = $value == 'NOT(';
$isIfOperand = $token['type'] == 'Operand Count for Function IF()';
$isOnlyIfNotDepth1 = (array_key_exists('onlyIfNot', $token) ? $token['onlyIfNot'] : null) == 'storeKey-1';
$isStoreKeyDepth1 = (array_key_exists('storeKey', $token) ? $token['storeKey'] : null) == 'storeKey-1';
$isOnlyIfNotDepth0 = (array_key_exists('onlyIfNot', $token) ? $token['onlyIfNot'] : null) == 'storeKey-0';
$plusCorrectlyTagged = $plusCorrectlyTagged || ($isPlus && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
$notFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $notFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isNotFunction && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0 && $isStoreKeyDepth1);
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $productFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isProductFunction && $isOnlyIfNotDepth1 && !$isStoreKeyDepth1 && !$isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
$findOneOperandCountTagged = $findOneOperandCountTagged || ($isIfOperand && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingNoArgumentFunctionCase(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(AND(TRUE(),A1="please +"),2,3)';
// this used to raise a parser error, we keep it even though we don't
// test the output
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingInequalitiesConditionsCase(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(A1="flag",IF(A2<10, 0) + IF(A3<10000, 0))';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$properlyTaggedPlus = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isPlus = $token['value'] === '+';
$hasOnlyIf = !empty($token['onlyIf']);
$properlyTaggedPlus = $properlyTaggedPlus ||
($isPlus && $hasOnlyIf);
* @param $expectedResult
* @param $dataArray
* @param string $formula
* @param string $cellCoordinates where to put the formula
* @param string[] $shouldBeSetInCacheCells coordinates of cells that must
* be set in cache
* @param string[] $shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells coordinates of cells that must
* not be set in cache because of pruning
* @dataProvider dataProviderBranchPruningFullExecution
public function testFullExecution(
$shouldBeSetInCacheCells = [],
$shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells = []
): void {
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell = $sheet->getCell($cellCoordinates);
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance($cell->getWorksheet()->getParent());
$calculated = $cell->getCalculatedValue();
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $calculated);
// this mostly to ensure that at least some cells are cached
foreach ($shouldBeSetInCacheCells as $setCell) {
$calculation->getValueFromCache('Worksheet!' . $setCell, $inCache);
foreach ($shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells as $notSetCell) {
$calculation->getValueFromCache('Worksheet!' . $notSetCell, $inCache);
$calculated = $cell->getCalculatedValue();
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $calculated);
public function dataProviderBranchPruningFullExecution()
return require 'tests/data/Calculation/Calculation.php';
public function testUnknownFunction(): void
$workbook = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $workbook->getActiveSheet();
$sheet->setCellValue('A1', '=gzorg()');
$sheet->setCellValue('A2', '=mode.gzorg(1)');
$sheet->setCellValue('A3', '=gzorg(1,2)');
$sheet->setCellValue('A4', '=3+IF(gzorg(),1,2)');
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A1')->getCalculatedValue());
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A2')->getCalculatedValue());
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A3')->getCalculatedValue());
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A4')->getCalculatedValue());