oleibman 38fab4e632
Fix for ()
This problem is the same as , which was resolved by .
For that issue, the fix was to check in one place whether
$this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex] was set before using it.
The sample spreadsheet supplied as a description for this
problem had exactly the same problem in 2 other places in the code.
In addition, there were 7 other places in the code where that
particular item was used unchecked. This fix corrects all 9 locations.
The spreadsheet supplied with the problem is used as the basis
for some new tests, which particularly test column dimensions
and styles, the problems involved in this case.
2020-06-19 21:01:18 +02:00

47 lines
1.7 KiB

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Reader;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xls;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Functional\AbstractFunctional;
class XlsTest extends AbstractFunctional
* Test load Xls file.
public function testLoadXlsSample(): void
$filename = 'tests/data/Reader/XLS/sample.xls';
$reader = new Xls();
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($filename);
self::assertEquals('Title', $spreadsheet->getSheet(0)->getCell('A1')->getValue());
* Test load Xls file with invalid xfIndex.
public function testLoadXlsBug1505(): void
$filename = 'tests/data/Reader/XLS/bug1505.xls';
$reader = new Xls();
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($filename);
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$col = $sheet->getHighestColumn();
$row = $sheet->getHighestRow();
$newspreadsheet = $this->writeAndReload($spreadsheet, 'Xlsx');
$newsheet = $newspreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$newcol = $newsheet->getHighestColumn();
$newrow = $newsheet->getHighestRow();
self::assertEquals($spreadsheet->getSheetCount(), $newspreadsheet->getSheetCount());
self::assertEquals($sheet->getTitle(), $newsheet->getTitle());
self::assertEquals($sheet->getColumnDimensions(), $newsheet->getColumnDimensions());
self::assertEquals($col, $newcol);
self::assertEquals($row, $newrow);
self::assertEquals($sheet->getCell('A1')->getFormattedValue(), $newsheet->getCell('A1')->getFormattedValue());
self::assertEquals($sheet->getCell("$col$row")->getFormattedValue(), $newsheet->getCell("$col$row")->getFormattedValue());