- Fix ISFORMULA() function to work with a cell reference to another worksheet - Added calculation engine support for the new functions that were added in MS Excel 2013 and MS Excel 2016 - Text Functions - CONCAT() Synonym for CONCATENATE() - NUMBERVALUE() Converts text to a number, in a locale-independent way - UNICHAR() Synonym for CHAR() in PHPSpreadsheet, which has always used UTF-8 internally - UNIORD() Synonym for ORD() in PHPSpreadsheet, which has always used UTF-8 internally - TEXTJOIN() Joins together two or more text strings, separated by a delimiter - Logical Functions - XOR() Returns a logical Exclusive Or of all arguments - Date/Time Functions - ISOWEEKNUM() Returns the ISO 8601 week number of the year for a given date - Lookup and Reference Functions - FORMULATEXT() Returns a formula as a string - Engineering Functions - ERF.PRECISE() Returns the error function integrated between 0 and a supplied limit - ERFC.PRECISE() Synonym for ERFC - Math and Trig Functions - SEC() Returns the secant of an angle - SECH() Returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle - CSC() Returns the cosecant of an angle - CSCH() Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle - COT() Returns the cotangent of an angle - COTH() Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle - ACOT() Returns the cotangent of an angle - ACOTH() Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle - Financial Functions - PDURATION() Calculates the number of periods required for an investment to reach a specified value - RRI() Calculates the interest rate required for an investment to grow to a specified future value
432 lines
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namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\TextData;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class TextDataTest extends TestCase
public function setUp()
public function tearDown()
* @dataProvider providerCHAR
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testCHAR($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::CHARACTER(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerCHAR()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/CHAR.php';
* @dataProvider providerCODE
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testCODE($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::ASCIICODE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerCODE()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/CODE.php';
* @dataProvider providerCONCATENATE
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testCONCATENATE($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::CONCATENATE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerCONCATENATE()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/CONCATENATE.php';
* @dataProvider providerLEFT
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testLEFT($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::LEFT(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerLEFT()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/LEFT.php';
* @dataProvider providerMID
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testMID($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::MID(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerMID()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/MID.php';
* @dataProvider providerRIGHT
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testRIGHT($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::RIGHT(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerRIGHT()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/RIGHT.php';
* @dataProvider providerLOWER
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testLOWER($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::LOWERCASE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerLOWER()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/LOWER.php';
* @dataProvider providerUPPER
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testUPPER($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::UPPERCASE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerUPPER()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/UPPER.php';
* @dataProvider providerPROPER
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testPROPER($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::PROPERCASE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerPROPER()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/PROPER.php';
* @dataProvider providerLEN
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testLEN($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::STRINGLENGTH(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerLEN()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/LEN.php';
* @dataProvider providerSEARCH
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testSEARCH($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::SEARCHINSENSITIVE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerSEARCH()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/SEARCH.php';
* @dataProvider providerFIND
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testFIND($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::SEARCHSENSITIVE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerFIND()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/FIND.php';
* @dataProvider providerREPLACE
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testREPLACE($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::REPLACE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerREPLACE()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/REPLACE.php';
* @dataProvider providerSUBSTITUTE
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testSUBSTITUTE($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::SUBSTITUTE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerSUBSTITUTE()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/SUBSTITUTE.php';
* @dataProvider providerTRIM
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testTRIM($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::TRIMSPACES(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerTRIM()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/TRIM.php';
* @dataProvider providerCLEAN
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testCLEAN($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::TRIMNONPRINTABLE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerCLEAN()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/CLEAN.php';
* @dataProvider providerDOLLAR
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testDOLLAR($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::DOLLAR(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerDOLLAR()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/DOLLAR.php';
* @dataProvider providerFIXED
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testFIXED($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::FIXEDFORMAT(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerFIXED()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/FIXED.php';
* @dataProvider providerT
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testT($expectedResult, ...$args)
$result = TextData::RETURNSTRING(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerT()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/T.php';
* @dataProvider providerTEXT
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testTEXT($expectedResult, ...$args)
// Enforce decimal and thousands separator values to UK/US, and currency code to USD
$result = TextData::TEXTFORMAT(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerTEXT()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/TEXT.php';
* @dataProvider providerVALUE
* @param mixed $expectedResult
public function testVALUE($expectedResult, ...$args)
StringHelper::setThousandsSeparator(' ');
$result = TextData::VALUE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result, null, 1E-8);
public function providerVALUE()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/VALUE.php';
* @dataProvider providerEXACT
* @param mixed $expectedResult
* @param array $args
public function testEXACT($expectedResult, ...$args)
StringHelper::setThousandsSeparator(' ');
$result = TextData::EXACT(...$args);
self::assertSame($expectedResult, $result, null);
* @return array
public function providerEXACT()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/EXACT.php';
* @dataProvider providerTEXTJOIN
* @param mixed $expectedResult
* @param array $args
public function testTEXTJOIN($expectedResult, array $args)
$result = TextData::TEXTJOIN(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerTEXTJOIN()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/TEXTJOIN.php';
* @dataProvider providerNUMBERVALUE
* @param mixed $expectedResult
* @param array $args
public function testNUMBERVALUE($expectedResult, array $args)
$result = TextData::NUMBERVALUE(...$args);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
public function providerNUMBERVALUE()
return require 'data/Calculation/TextData/NUMBERVALUE.php';