For functions introduced in Excel 2010 and beyond, Excel saves them in formulas with the xlfn_ prefix. PhpSpreadsheet does not do this; as a result, when a spreadsheet so created is opened, the cells which use the new functions display a #NAME? error. This the cause of bug report 1246: https://github.com/PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet/issues/1246 This change corrects that problem when the Xlsx writer encounters a 2010+ formula for a cell or a conditional style. A new class Writer/Xlsx/Xlfn, with 2 static methods, is introduced to facilitate this change. As part of the testing for this, I found some additional problems. When an unknown function name is used, Excel generates a #NAME? error. However, when an unknown function is used in PhpSpreadsheet: - if there are no parameters, it returns #VALUE!, which is wrong - if there are parameters, it throws an exception, which is horrible Both of these situations will now return #NAME? Tests have been added for these situations. The MODE (and MODE.SNGL) function is not quite in alignment with Excel. MODE(3, 3, 4, 4) returns 3 in both Excel and PhpSpreadsheet. However, MODE(4, 3, 3, 4) returns 4 in Excel, but 3 in PhpSpreadsheet. Both situations will now match Excel's result. Also, Excel allows its parameters for MODE to be an array, but PhpSpreadsheet did not; it now will. There had not been any tests for MODE. Now there are. The SHEET and SHEETS functions were introduced in Excel 2013, but were not introduced in PhpSpreadsheet. They are now introduced as DUMMY functions so that they can be parsed appropriately. Finally, in common with the "rate" changes for which I am creating a pull request at the same time as this one: samples/Basic/13_CalculationCyclicFormulae PhpUnit started reporting an error like "too much regression". The test deals with an infinite cyclic formula, and allowed the calculation engine to run for 100 cycles. The actual number of cycles seems irrelevant for the purpose of this test. I changed it to 15, and PhpUnit no longer complains.
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namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class CalculationTest extends TestCase
protected function setUp(): void
protected function tearDown(): void
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
* @dataProvider providerBinaryComparisonOperation
* @param mixed $formula
* @param mixed $expectedResultExcel
* @param mixed $expectedResultOpenOffice
public function testBinaryComparisonOperation($formula, $expectedResultExcel, $expectedResultOpenOffice)
$resultExcel = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($formula);
self::assertEquals($expectedResultExcel, $resultExcel, 'should be Excel compatible');
$resultOpenOffice = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($formula);
self::assertEquals($expectedResultOpenOffice, $resultOpenOffice, 'should be OpenOffice compatible');
public function providerBinaryComparisonOperation()
return require 'tests/data/CalculationBinaryComparisonOperation.php';
* @dataProvider providerGetFunctions
* @param string $category
* @param array|string $functionCall
* @param string $argumentCount
public function testGetFunctions($category, $functionCall, $argumentCount)
public function providerGetFunctions()
return Calculation::getInstance()->getFunctions();
public function testIsImplemented()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
* @dataProvider providerCanLoadAllSupportedLocales
* @param string $locale
public function testCanLoadAllSupportedLocales($locale)
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
public function providerCanLoadAllSupportedLocales()
return [
public function testDoesHandleXlfnFunctions()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$tree = $calculation->parseFormula('=_xlfn.ISFORMULA(A1)');
self::assertCount(3, $tree);
$function = $tree[2];
self::assertEquals('Function', $function['type']);
$tree = $calculation->parseFormula('=_xlfn.STDEV.S(A1:B2)');
self::assertCount(5, $tree);
$function = $tree[4];
self::assertEquals('Function', $function['type']);
public function testFormulaWithOptionalArgumentsAndRequiredCellReferenceShouldPassNullForMissingArguments()
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
$cell = $sheet->getCell('E5');
$cell->setValue('=OFFSET(D3, -1, -2, 1, 1)');
self::assertEquals(5, $cell->getCalculatedValue(), 'with all arguments');
$cell = $sheet->getCell('F6');
$cell->setValue('=OFFSET(D3, -1, -2)');
self::assertEquals(5, $cell->getCalculatedValue(), 'missing arguments should be filled with null');
public function testCellSetAsQuotedText()
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$workSheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell = $workSheet->getCell('A1');
$cell->setValue("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0");
self::assertEquals("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0", $cell->getCalculatedValue());
public function testCellWithDdeExpresion()
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$workSheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell = $workSheet->getCell('A1');
$cell->setValue("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0");
self::assertEquals("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0", $cell->getCalculatedValue());
public function testCellWithFormulaTwoIndirect()
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$workSheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell1 = $workSheet->getCell('A1');
$cell2 = $workSheet->getCell('B1');
$cell2 = $workSheet->getCell('C1');
$cell3 = $workSheet->getCell('D1');
self::assertEquals('9', $cell3->getCalculatedValue());
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingSimpleCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
// Very simple formula
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",B1)';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey = false;
$foundConditionalOnB1 = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isBinaryOperator = $token['type'] == 'Binary Operator';
$isEqual = $token['value'] == '=';
$correctStoreKey = ($token['storeKey'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-0';
$correctOnlyIf = ($token['onlyIf'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-0';
$isB1Reference = ($token['reference'] ?? '') == 'B1';
$foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey = $foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey ||
($isBinaryOperator && $isEqual && $correctStoreKey);
$foundConditionalOnB1 = $foundConditionalOnB1 ||
($isB1Reference && $correctOnlyIf);
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingMultipleIfsCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
// Internal operation
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",SUM(B1:B3))+IF(A2="please *",PRODUCT(C1:C3), C1)';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$plusGotTagged = false;
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isBinaryOperator = $token['type'] == 'Binary Operator';
$isPlus = $token['value'] == '+';
$anyStoreKey = isset($token['storeKey']);
$anyOnlyIf = isset($token['onlyIf']);
$anyOnlyIfNot = isset($token['onlyIfNot']);
$plusGotTagged = $plusGotTagged ||
($isBinaryOperator && $isPlus &&
($anyStoreKey || $anyOnlyIfNot || $anyOnlyIf));
$isFunction = $token['type'] == 'Function';
$isProductFunction = $token['value'] == 'PRODUCT(';
$correctOnlyIf = ($token['onlyIf'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-1';
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $productFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isFunction && $isProductFunction && $correctOnlyIf);
$this->assertFalse($plusGotTagged, 'chaining IF( should not affect the external operators');
$this->assertTrue($productFunctionCorrectlyTagged, 'function nested inside if should be tagged to be processed only if parent branching requires it');
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParingNestedIfCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",SUM(B1:B3),1+IF(NOT(A2="please *"),C2-C1,PRODUCT(C1:C3)))';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$plusCorrectlyTagged = false;
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
$notFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
$findOneOperandCountTagged = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$value = $token['value'];
$isPlus = $value == '+';
$isProductFunction = $value == 'PRODUCT(';
$isNotFunction = $value == 'NOT(';
$isIfOperand = $token['type'] == 'Operand Count for Function IF()';
$isOnlyIfNotDepth1 = (array_key_exists('onlyIfNot', $token) ? $token['onlyIfNot'] : null) == 'storeKey-1';
$isStoreKeyDepth1 = (array_key_exists('storeKey', $token) ? $token['storeKey'] : null) == 'storeKey-1';
$isOnlyIfNotDepth0 = (array_key_exists('onlyIfNot', $token) ? $token['onlyIfNot'] : null) == 'storeKey-0';
$plusCorrectlyTagged = $plusCorrectlyTagged || ($isPlus && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
$notFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $notFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isNotFunction && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0 && $isStoreKeyDepth1);
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $productFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isProductFunction && $isOnlyIfNotDepth1 && !$isStoreKeyDepth1 && !$isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
$findOneOperandCountTagged = $findOneOperandCountTagged || ($isIfOperand && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingNoArgumentFunctionCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(AND(TRUE(),A1="please +"),2,3)';
// this used to raise a parser error, we keep it even though we don't
// test the output
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingInequalitiesConditionsCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(A1="flag",IF(A2<10, 0) + IF(A3<10000, 0))';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$properlyTaggedPlus = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isPlus = $token['value'] === '+';
$hasOnlyIf = !empty($token['onlyIf']);
$properlyTaggedPlus = $properlyTaggedPlus ||
($isPlus && $hasOnlyIf);
* @param $expectedResult
* @param $dataArray
* @param string $formula
* @param string $cellCoordinates where to put the formula
* @param string[] $shouldBeSetInCacheCells coordinates of cells that must
* be set in cache
* @param string[] $shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells coordinates of cells that must
* not be set in cache because of pruning
* @dataProvider dataProviderBranchPruningFullExecution
public function testFullExecution(
$shouldBeSetInCacheCells = [],
$shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells = []
) {
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell = $sheet->getCell($cellCoordinates);
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance($cell->getWorksheet()->getParent());
$calculated = $cell->getCalculatedValue();
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $calculated);
// this mostly to ensure that at least some cells are cached
foreach ($shouldBeSetInCacheCells as $setCell) {
$calculation->getValueFromCache('Worksheet!' . $setCell, $inCache);
foreach ($shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells as $notSetCell) {
$calculation->getValueFromCache('Worksheet!' . $notSetCell, $inCache);
$calculated = $cell->getCalculatedValue();
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $calculated);
public function dataProviderBranchPruningFullExecution()
return require 'tests/data/Calculation/Calculation.php';
public function testUnknownFunction(): void
$workbook = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $workbook->getActiveSheet();
$sheet->setCellValue('A1', '=gzorg()');
$sheet->setCellValue('A2', '=mode.gzorg(1)');
$sheet->setCellValue('A3', '=gzorg(1,2)');
$sheet->setCellValue('A4', '=3+IF(gzorg(),1,2)');
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A1')->getCalculatedValue());
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A2')->getCalculatedValue());
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A3')->getCalculatedValue());
self::assertEquals('#NAME?', $sheet->getCell('A4')->getCalculatedValue());