Timur 50a9bc83ab Sheet title can contain exclamation mark (in formulas)
When extracting sheet title from string reference (like `"Work!sheet1!A1"`), PHP function `explode()` divide this string into three parts: `['Work', 'sheet1', 'A1']`. And then these wrong values are used in formulas, ranges, etc.

This change fix that problem by using special function `Worksheet::extractSheetTitle()`. This function also has been changed to make sure that worksheet title can contain "!" character. So, that function search last position of "!" in reference string and divide it to 2 parts correctly: `['Work!sheet1', 'A1']`.

2018-10-03 12:52:51 +09:00
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WorksheetTest.php Sheet title can contain exclamation mark (in formulas) 2018-10-03 12:52:51 +09:00