load($inputFileName); /* Read the document's creator property * */ $creator = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCreator(); $helper->log('Document Creator: ' . $creator); /* Read the Date when the workbook was created (as a PHP timestamp value) * */ $creationDatestamp = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCreated(); /* Format the date and time using the standard PHP date() function * */ $creationDate = date('l, d<\s\up>S F Y', $creationDatestamp); $creationTime = date('g:i A', $creationDatestamp); $helper->log('Created On: ' . $creationDate . ' at ' . $creationTime); /* Read the name of the last person to modify this workbook * */ $modifiedBy = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getLastModifiedBy(); $helper->log('Last Modified By: ' . $modifiedBy); /* Read the Date when the workbook was last modified (as a PHP timestamp value) * */ $modifiedDatestamp = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getModified(); /* Format the date and time using the standard PHP date() function * */ $modifiedDate = date('l, d<\s\up>S F Y', $modifiedDatestamp); $modifiedTime = date('g:i A', $modifiedDatestamp); $helper->log('Last Modified On: ' . $modifiedDate . ' at ' . $modifiedTime); /* Read the workbook title property * */ $workbookTitle = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getTitle(); $helper->log('Title: ' . $workbookTitle); /* Read the workbook description property * */ $description = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getDescription(); $helper->log('Description: ' . $description); /* Read the workbook subject property * */ $subject = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getSubject(); $helper->log('Subject: ' . $subject); /* Read the workbook keywords property * */ $keywords = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getKeywords(); $helper->log('Keywords: ' . $keywords); /* Read the workbook category property * */ $category = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCategory(); $helper->log('Category: ' . $category); /* Read the workbook company property * */ $company = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCompany(); $helper->log('Company: ' . $company); /* Read the workbook manager property * */ $manager = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getManager(); $helper->log('Manager: ' . $manager); $s = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Helper\Sample();