<?php include_once "includes/header.php"; include_once "includes/navbar.php"; ?> <p> JAMA is a proposed standard matrix class for Java. The JAMA introduction describes "JAMA : A Java Matrix Package" in this way: </p> <blockquote> JAMA is a basic linear algebra package for Java. It provides user-level classes for constructing and manipulating real, dense matrices. It is meant to provide sufficient functionality for routine problems, packaged in a way that is natural and understandable to non-experts. It is intended to serve as the standard matrix class for Java, and will be proposed as such to the Java Grande Forum and then to Sun. A straightforward public-domain reference implementation has been developed by the MathWorks and NIST as a strawman for such a class. We are releasing this version in order to obtain public comment. There is no guarantee that future versions of JAMA will be compatible with this one. </blockquote> <p> The development team below has successfully ported the JAMA API to PHP. You can explore this site to learn more about this project and it's current development status. </p> <?php include_once "includes/credits.php"; include_once "includes/footer.php"; ?>