setActiveSheetIndex(0); // Add some Named Formulae // The first to store our tax rate $spreadsheet->addNamedFormula(new NamedFormula('TAX_RATE', $worksheet, '=19%')); // The second to calculate the Tax on a Price value (Note that `PRICE` is defined later as a Named Range) $spreadsheet->addNamedFormula(new NamedFormula('TAX', $worksheet, '=PRICE*TAX_RATE')); // Set up some basic data $worksheet ->setCellValue('A1', 'Tax Rate:') ->setCellValue('B1', '=TAX_RATE') ->setCellValue('A3', 'Net Price:') ->setCellValue('B3', 19.99) ->setCellValue('A4', 'Tax:') ->setCellValue('A5', 'Price including Tax:'); // Define a named range that we can use in our formulae $spreadsheet->addNamedRange(new NamedRange('PRICE', $worksheet, '=$B$3')); // Reference the defined formulae in worksheet formulae $worksheet ->setCellValue('B4', '=TAX') ->setCellValue('B5', '=PRICE+TAX'); echo sprintf( 'With a Tax Rate of %.2f and a net price of %.2f, Tax is %.2f and the gross price is %.2f', $worksheet->getCell('B1')->getCalculatedValue(), $worksheet->getCell('B3')->getValue(), $worksheet->getCell('B4')->getCalculatedValue(), $worksheet->getCell('B5')->getCalculatedValue() ), PHP_EOL; $outputFileName = 'SimpleNamedFormula.xlsx'; $writer = IOFactory::createWriter($spreadsheet, 'Xlsx'); $writer->save($outputFileName);