markTestIncomplete('TODO: This test should be fixed'); $result = Financial::PRICE(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result, null, 1E-8); } public function providerPRICE() { return require 'data/Calculation/Financial/PRICE.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerRATE * @group fail19 * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testRATE($expectedResult, ...$args) { $this->markTestIncomplete('TODO: This test should be fixed'); $result = Financial::RATE(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result, null, 1E-8); } public function providerRATE() { return require 'data/Calculation/Financial/RATE.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerXIRR * @group fail19 * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testXIRR($expectedResult, ...$args) { $this->markTestIncomplete('TODO: This test should be fixed'); $result = Financial::XIRR(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result, null, 1E-8); } public function providerXIRR() { return require 'data/Calculation/Financial/XIRR.php'; } }