<?php // Date String, Result return [ [ '#VALUE!', '25-Dec-1899', ], [ '#VALUE!', '31-Dec-1899', ], [ 1, '1-Jan-1900', ], [ 59, '1900/2/28', ], [ '#VALUE!', '29-02-1900', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ '#VALUE!', '29th February 1900', ], [ 61, '1900/3/1', ], [ 713, '13-12-1901', ], [ 714, '14-12-1901', ], [ 1461, '1903/12/31', ], [ 1462, '1-Jan-1904', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 1463, '2nd-Jan-1904', ], [ 22269, '19-12-1960', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 25569, '1st January 1970', ], [ 30292, '7-Dec-1982', ], [ 39448, '1-1-2008', ], [ 50424, '2038-01-19', ], [ 39601, '2-6-2008', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 39807, 'December 25th 2008', ], [ 39448, '1 Jan-2008', ], // MS Excel success or failure dependent on country settings [ 39813, '12-31-2008', ], // PhpSpreadsheet tries to handle both US and UK formats, irrespective of country settings [ 39813, '31-12-2008', ], // MS Excel success or failure dependent on country settings [ 39682, '8/22/2008', ], // PhpSpreadsheet tries to handle both US and UK formats, irrespective of country settings [ 39682, '22/8/2008', ], [ 39682, '22/8/08', ], [ 39682, '22-AUG-2008', ], [ 39501, '2008/02/23', ], [ 39635, '6-7-2008', ], // MS Excel success or failure dependent on country settings [ 39141, '28-2-2007', ], // PhpSpreadsheet tries to handle both US and UK formats, irrespective of country settings [ 39141, '2-28-2007', ], // Should fail because it's an invalid date, but PhpSpreadsheet currently adjusts to 1-3-2007 - FIX NEEDED [ '#VALUE!', '29-2-2007', ], [ 36161, '1/1/1999', ], [ 19925, '1954-07-20', ], [ 36029, '22 August 98', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 39142, '1st March 2007', ], [ '#VALUE!', 'The 1st day of March 2007', ], // 01/01 of the current year [ 43831, '1 Jan', ], // 31/12 of the current year [ 44196, '31/12', ], // Excel reads as 1st December 1931, not 31st December in current year [ 11658, '12/31', ], // 05/07 of the current year [ 44017, '5-JUL', ], // 05/07 of the current year [ 44017, '5 Jul', ], [ 39783, '12/2008', ], [ 11963, '10/32', ], [ '#VALUE!', 11, ], [ '#VALUE!', true, ], [ '#VALUE!', false, ], [ '#VALUE!', 1, ], [ '#VALUE!', 12345, ], [ '#VALUE!', 12, ], [ 40221, '12-Feb-2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40221, 'Feb-12-2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40221, 'February-12-2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40221, 'February 12 2010', ], [ 40227, '18 Feb 2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40254, '17th 3rd 2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40227, 'Feb 18th 2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40210, '1st Feb 2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40210, '1st-Feb-2010', ], [ '#VALUE!', '1me Fev 2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40210, 'February 1st 2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40211, '2nd Feb 2010', ], [ '#VALUE!', 'Second Feb 2010', ], [ '#VALUE!', 'First August 2010', ], // MS Excel will fail with a #VALUE return, but PhpSpreadsheet can parse this date [ 40391, '1st August 2010', ], [ 0, '15:30:25', ], [ '#VALUE!', 'ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', ], ];