Passing 0 arguments will throw the following error:
"PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet::getSheet(), 0 passed in {filepath} and exactly 1 expected"
This will let users read a file that contains data that are not properly
supported and write them back to a new file untouched.
- load workbookProtection attributes
- save loaded pageSetup[r:id]
- save loaded sheet's AlternateContent
- save loaded unparsed VmlDrawings
- save loaded drawing files `rId`
- save loaded draw's AlternateContent
- save loaded control properties
- save loaded printer settings
- save loaded unparsed override content types (for ctrlProp, ...)
The \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date class has support for setting an alternate timezone which affects the conversion of Excel Date timestamps in PhpSpreadsheet. This amendment is an effort to document this support.
Fixes a bug when calling `$sheet->freezePane('B2')` without a second argument.
The selected cell will now be `B2` instead of the incorrect `B3`.
This change adds support for newer functions that are prefixed
by _xlfn. (#356). The calculation engine has been updated to
recognise these as functions, and drop the _xlfn. part.
It also add a couple of the new functions such as STDEV.S/P,
Some computer programs will output xlsx files that do not compare 100%
to the standards. Excel will open the file without any problem.
setZoomScaleNormal() should throw exception when manually setting the
scale to less than or equals 0, but when reading files, we should
be able to read a file with such error, as Excel does.
CSV reader used to accept any file without any kind of check. That made
users incorrectly believe that things were ok, even though there is no
way for CSV reader to read anything else that plain text files.