If BIFF5 excel 95 file doesn't have codepage record, the default codepage CP1252 is used and can't be change.
That causes to problems with decoding cyrillic text.
If row or column dimensions are accessed, then HTML writer would
still generate lots of empty cells, to show nothing at all. This
now ignore row and column dimensions to only output cell that
actually exists (even if those cells are empty).
Reader/Html is now covered except for 1 statement.
There is some coverage of RichText when you know in advance that the
html will expand into a single cell.
It is a tougher nut, one that I have not yet cracked,
to try to handle rich text while converting unkown html to multiple cells.
The original author left this as a TODO, and so for now must I.
It made sense to restructure some of the code. There are some changes.
- Issue #1532 is fixed (links are now saved when using rowspan).
- Colors can now be specified as html color name. To accomplish this,
Helper/Html function colourNameLookup was changed from protected
to public, and changed to static.
- Superfluous empty lines were eliminated in a number of places, e.g.
had formerly caused a wrapped cell to be created with 2 empty lines
followed by A, B, and C on separate lines; it will now just have the
3 A/B/C lines, which seems like a more sensible interpretation.
- Img alt tag, which had been cast to float, is now used as a string.
Private member "encoding" is not used. Functions getEncoding and setEncoding
have therefore been marked deprecated. In fact, I was unable to get
SecurityScanner to pass *any* html which is not UTF-8. There are
possibly ways of getting around this (in Reader/Html - I have no
intention of messing with Security Scanner), as can be seen in my
companion pull request for Excel2003 Xml Reader. Doing this would be
easier for ASCII-compatible character sets (like ISO-8859-1),
than for non-compatible charsets (like UTF-16). I am not
convinced that the effort is worth it, but am willing to investigate
I added a number of tests, creating an Html directory, and moving
HtmlTest to that directory.
* Corrected date time detection
German and Swiss ZIP codes (special formats provided in German Excel versions) were detected as date time value, because the regular expression for date time formats falsely matched their formats ("\C\H\-00000" and "\D-00000").
* Xls Writer - Correct Timestamp Bug, Improve Coverage
I believe that Xls Writer is 100% covered now.
The Xls Writer sets its timestamp incorrectly. The problem is actually
in Shared/Ole::localDateToOLE, which converts its timestamp using
gmmktime; mktime is correct. If I save a file at 3:00 p.m. in San Francisco,
this bug means the time is actually recorded as 3:00 p.m. UTC.
A consequence of this is that if you use Phpspreadsheet to read the
file and save it as a new Xls, the creation timestamp goes further
and further back in time with each generation (or further forward
if east of Greenwich). One of the tests added confirms that
the creation timestamp is consistent with the start and end times
of the test.
The major change in coverage is adding tests to save GIF and BMP
images, which aren't supported in Xls, but are converted to PNG
in the PhpSpreadsheet code.