Xls Writer - Correct Timestamp Bug, Improve Coverage (#1493)
* Xls Writer - Correct Timestamp Bug, Improve Coverage I believe that Xls Writer is 100% covered now. The Xls Writer sets its timestamp incorrectly. The problem is actually in Shared/Ole::localDateToOLE, which converts its timestamp using gmmktime; mktime is correct. If I save a file at 3:00 p.m. in San Francisco, this bug means the time is actually recorded as 3:00 p.m. UTC. A consequence of this is that if you use Phpspreadsheet to read the file and save it as a new Xls, the creation timestamp goes further and further back in time with each generation (or further forward if east of Greenwich). One of the tests added confirms that the creation timestamp is consistent with the start and end times of the test. The major change in coverage is adding tests to save GIF and BMP images, which aren't supported in Xls, but are converted to PNG in the PhpSpreadsheet code.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 30 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class OLE
// days from 1-1-1601 until the beggining of UNIX era
$days = 134774;
// calculate seconds
$big_date = $days * 24 * 3600 + gmmktime(date('H', $date), date('i', $date), date('s', $date), date('m', $date), date('d', $date), date('Y', $date));
$big_date = $days * 24 * 3600 + mktime((int) date('H', $date), (int) date('i', $date), (int) date('s', $date), (int) date('m', $date), (int) date('d', $date), (int) date('Y', $date));
// multiply just to make MS happy
$big_date *= 10000000;
@ -558,10 +558,9 @@ class OLE
// translate to seconds since 1970:
$unixTimestamp = floor(65536.0 * 65536.0 * $timestampHigh + $timestampLow - $days * 24 * 3600 + 0.5);
if ((int) $unixTimestamp == $unixTimestamp) {
return (int) $unixTimestamp;
$iTimestamp = (int) $unixTimestamp;
return $unixTimestamp >= 0.0 ? PHP_INT_MAX : PHP_INT_MIN;
// Overflow conditions can't happen on 64-bit system
return ($iTimestamp == $unixTimestamp) ? $iTimestamp : ($unixTimestamp >= 0.0 ? PHP_INT_MAX : PHP_INT_MIN);
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\BaseDrawing;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Drawing;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\MemoryDrawing;
use RuntimeException;
class Xls extends BaseWriter
@ -389,74 +388,39 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
* Build the Escher object corresponding to the MSODRAWINGGROUP record.
private function buildWorkbookEscher(): void
private function processMemoryDrawing(BstoreContainer &$bstoreContainer, BaseDrawing $drawing, string $renderingFunctionx): void
$escher = null;
switch ($renderingFunctionx) {
case MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_JPEG:
$renderingFunction = 'imagejpeg';
// any drawings in this workbook?
$found = false;
foreach ($this->spreadsheet->getAllSheets() as $sheet) {
if (count($sheet->getDrawingCollection()) > 0) {
$found = true;
$blipType = BSE::BLIPTYPE_PNG;
$renderingFunction = 'imagepng';
call_user_func($renderingFunction, $drawing->getImageResource());
$blipData = ob_get_contents();
$blip = new Blip();
$BSE = new BSE();
// nothing to do if there are no drawings
if (!$found) {
// if we reach here, then there are drawings in the workbook
$escher = new Escher();
// dggContainer
$dggContainer = new DggContainer();
// set IDCLs (identifier clusters)
// this loop is for determining maximum shape identifier of all drawing
$spIdMax = 0;
$totalCountShapes = 0;
$countDrawings = 0;
foreach ($this->spreadsheet->getAllsheets() as $sheet) {
$sheetCountShapes = 0; // count number of shapes (minus group shape), in sheet
if (count($sheet->getDrawingCollection()) > 0) {
foreach ($sheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
$spId = $sheetCountShapes | ($this->spreadsheet->getIndex($sheet) + 1) << 10;
$spIdMax = max($spId, $spIdMax);
$dggContainer->setSpIdMax($spIdMax + 1);
$dggContainer->setCSpSaved($totalCountShapes + $countDrawings); // total number of shapes incl. one group shapes per drawing
// bstoreContainer
$bstoreContainer = new BstoreContainer();
// the BSE's (all the images)
foreach ($this->spreadsheet->getAllsheets() as $sheet) {
foreach ($sheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
throw new RuntimeException('Saving images in xls requires gd extension');
if ($drawing instanceof Drawing) {
private function processDrawing(BstoreContainer &$bstoreContainer, BaseDrawing $drawing): void
$blipData = '';
$filename = $drawing->getPath();
[$imagesx, $imagesy, $imageFormat] = getimagesize($filename);
@ -488,10 +452,8 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
continue 2;
if ($blipData) {
$blip = new Blip();
@ -500,36 +462,85 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
private function processBaseDrawing(BstoreContainer &$bstoreContainer, BaseDrawing $drawing): void
if ($drawing instanceof Drawing) {
$this->processDrawing($bstoreContainer, $drawing);
} elseif ($drawing instanceof MemoryDrawing) {
switch ($drawing->getRenderingFunction()) {
case MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_JPEG:
$renderingFunction = 'imagejpeg';
$this->processMemoryDrawing($bstoreContainer, $drawing, $drawing->getRenderingFunction());
case MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_GIF:
case MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_PNG:
case MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_DEFAULT:
$blipType = BSE::BLIPTYPE_PNG;
$renderingFunction = 'imagepng';
private function checkForDrawings(): bool
// any drawings in this workbook?
$found = false;
foreach ($this->spreadsheet->getAllSheets() as $sheet) {
if (count($sheet->getDrawingCollection()) > 0) {
$found = true;
call_user_func($renderingFunction, $drawing->getImageResource());
$blipData = ob_get_contents();
$blip = new Blip();
$BSE = new BSE();
return $found;
* Build the Escher object corresponding to the MSODRAWINGGROUP record.
private function buildWorkbookEscher(): void
// nothing to do if there are no drawings
if (!$this->checkForDrawings()) {
// if we reach here, then there are drawings in the workbook
$escher = new Escher();
// dggContainer
$dggContainer = new DggContainer();
// set IDCLs (identifier clusters)
// this loop is for determining maximum shape identifier of all drawing
$spIdMax = 0;
$totalCountShapes = 0;
$countDrawings = 0;
foreach ($this->spreadsheet->getAllsheets() as $sheet) {
$sheetCountShapes = 0; // count number of shapes (minus group shape), in sheet
$addCount = 0;
foreach ($sheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
$addCount = 1;
$spId = $sheetCountShapes | ($this->spreadsheet->getIndex($sheet) + 1) << 10;
$spIdMax = max($spId, $spIdMax);
$countDrawings += $addCount;
$dggContainer->setSpIdMax($spIdMax + 1);
$dggContainer->setCSpSaved($totalCountShapes + $countDrawings); // total number of shapes incl. one group shapes per drawing
// bstoreContainer
$bstoreContainer = new BstoreContainer();
// the BSE's (all the images)
foreach ($this->spreadsheet->getAllsheets() as $sheet) {
foreach ($sheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
$this->processBaseDrawing($bstoreContainer, $drawing);
@ -578,8 +589,8 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCategory()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCategory();
if ($dataProp) {
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x02],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
@ -707,11 +718,7 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
$dataSection_Content_Offset += 4 + 4;
} elseif ($dataProp['type']['data'] == 0x0B) { // Boolean
if ($dataProp['data']['data'] == false) {
$dataSection_Content .= pack('V', 0x0000);
} else {
$dataSection_Content .= pack('V', 0x0001);
$dataSection_Content .= pack('V', (int) $dataProp['data']['data']);
$dataSection_Content_Offset += 4 + 4;
} elseif ($dataProp['type']['data'] == 0x1E) { // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
// Null-terminated string
@ -725,12 +732,12 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
$dataSection_Content .= $dataProp['data']['data'];
$dataSection_Content_Offset += 4 + 4 + strlen($dataProp['data']['data']);
} elseif ($dataProp['type']['data'] == 0x40) { // Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
$dataSection_Content .= $dataProp['data']['data'];
// Condition below can never be true
//} elseif ($dataProp['type']['data'] == 0x40) { // Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
// $dataSection_Content .= $dataProp['data']['data'];
$dataSection_Content_Offset += 4 + 8;
// $dataSection_Content_Offset += 4 + 8;
} else {
// Data Type Not Used at the moment
$dataSection_Content .= $dataProp['data']['data'];
$dataSection_Content_Offset += 4 + $dataProp['data']['length'];
@ -752,6 +759,32 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
return $data;
private function writeSummaryPropOle(int $dataProp, int &$dataSection_NumProps, array &$dataSection, int $sumdata, int $typdata): void
if ($dataProp) {
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => $sumdata],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => $typdata], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => OLE::localDateToOLE($dataProp)],
private function writeSummaryProp(string $dataProp, int &$dataSection_NumProps, array &$dataSection, int $sumdata, int $typdata): void
if ($dataProp) {
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => $sumdata],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => $typdata], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => $dataProp, 'length' => strlen($dataProp)],
* Build the OLE Part for Summary Information.
@ -792,94 +825,16 @@ class Xls extends BaseWriter
// Title
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getTitle()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getTitle();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x02],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x1E], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => $dataProp, 'length' => strlen($dataProp)],
// Subject
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getSubject()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getSubject();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x03],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x1E], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => $dataProp, 'length' => strlen($dataProp)],
// Author (Creator)
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCreator()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCreator();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x04],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x1E], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => $dataProp, 'length' => strlen($dataProp)],
// Keywords
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getKeywords()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getKeywords();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x05],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x1E], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => $dataProp, 'length' => strlen($dataProp)],
// Comments (Description)
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getDescription()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getDescription();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x06],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x1E], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => $dataProp, 'length' => strlen($dataProp)],
// Last Saved By (LastModifiedBy)
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getLastModifiedBy()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getLastModifiedBy();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x08],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x1E], // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
'data' => ['data' => $dataProp, 'length' => strlen($dataProp)],
// Created Date/Time
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCreated()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getCreated();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x0C],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x40], // Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
'data' => ['data' => OLE::localDateToOLE($dataProp)],
// Modified Date/Time
if ($this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getModified()) {
$dataProp = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties()->getModified();
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x0D],
'offset' => ['pack' => 'V'],
'type' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x40], // Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
'data' => ['data' => OLE::localDateToOLE($dataProp)],
$props = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties();
$this->writeSummaryProp($props->getTitle(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x02, 0x1e);
$this->writeSummaryProp($props->getSubject(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x03, 0x1e);
$this->writeSummaryProp($props->getCreator(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x04, 0x1e);
$this->writeSummaryProp($props->getKeywords(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x05, 0x1e);
$this->writeSummaryProp($props->getDescription(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x06, 0x1e);
$this->writeSummaryProp($props->getLastModifiedBy(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x08, 0x1e);
$this->writeSummaryPropOle($props->getCreated(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x0c, 0x40);
$this->writeSummaryPropOle($props->getModified(), $dataSection_NumProps, $dataSection, 0x0d, 0x40);
// Security
$dataSection[] = [
'summary' => ['pack' => 'V', 'data' => 0x13],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Writer\Xls;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Drawing;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\MemoryDrawing;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheetTests\Functional\AbstractFunctional;
class XlsGifBmpTest extends AbstractFunctional
private $filename = '';
protected function tearDown(): void
if ($this->filename) {
$this->filename = '';
public function testBmp(): void
$pgmstart = time();
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$filstart = $spreadsheet->getProperties()->getModified();
self::assertLessThanOrEqual($filstart, $pgmstart);
// Add a drawing to the worksheet
$drawing = new Drawing();
$drawing->setName('Letters B, M, and P');
$drawing->setDescription('Handwritten B, M, and P');
$drawing->setPath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../samples/images/bmp.bmp');
$reloadedSpreadsheet = $this->writeAndReload($spreadsheet, 'Xls');
$creationDatestamp = $reloadedSpreadsheet->getProperties()->getCreated();
$filstart = $creationDatestamp;
$pSheet = $reloadedSpreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$drawings = $pSheet->getDrawingCollection();
self::assertCount(1, $drawings);
foreach ($pSheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
// See if Scrutinizer approves this
$mimeType = ($drawing instanceof MemoryDrawing) ? $drawing->getMimeType() : 'notmemorydrawing';
self::assertEquals('image/png', $mimeType);
$pgmend = time();
self::assertLessThanOrEqual($pgmend, $pgmstart);
self::assertLessThanOrEqual($pgmend, $filstart);
self::assertLessThanOrEqual($filstart, $pgmstart);
public function testGif(): void
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
// Add a drawing to the worksheet
$drawing = new Drawing();
$drawing->setName('Letters G, I, and G');
$drawing->setDescription('Handwritten G, I, and F');
$drawing->setPath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../samples/images/gif.gif');
$reloadedSpreadsheet = $this->writeAndReload($spreadsheet, 'Xls');
$pSheet = $reloadedSpreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$drawings = $pSheet->getDrawingCollection();
self::assertCount(1, $drawings);
foreach ($pSheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
$mimeType = ($drawing instanceof MemoryDrawing) ? $drawing->getMimeType() : 'notmemorydrawing';
self::assertEquals('image/png', $mimeType);
public function testInvalidTimestamp(): void
\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\OLE::OLE2LocalDate(' ');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user